Make A Wooden Laptop Stand And Learn Woodworking Techniques

How To Make A DIY Wooden Laptop Stand And Learn Woodworking Techniques

Download Free SketchUp Plans Click Here

Download Free Metric Plans PDF Click Here

Download Free Imperial Plans PDF Click Here

This DIY project can also be made on the X Carve 3D Carver from Inventables for the Free plans in their CNC software Click Here

My Triton Router
My Microjig Grr-Ripper

To start with we design the template in SketchUp and then use that to cut out the templates on the scroll saw, you can also use a coping saw or jigsaw for this process.

The template is then screwed to the blanks and cut out on the router table using a flush cut router bit and a Microjig Grr-Ripper for safety.

We then glue the pieces together three at a time, which is easier to align and then sand the inside of the pieces before final assembly and glue up.

After final glue up and we have sanded the piece to 1000 grit with the power sander we can start the woodworking finishing process.

I used Hard Burnishing oil for the finish, which gives a super smooth finish while still retaining that close to the wood feeling.

I apply 2 coats of burnishing oil 30 minutes apart and after the last coat before it dries I take some 400 grit sandpaper and rub the surface of the wood which forms a slurry of sawdust and oil that fills an pores in the wood, additional oil can be added to the sandpaper to boost the slurry and add lubrication, using the same process up to 1200 grit sandpaper to give a super smooth finish. After 24-48 hrs the laptop stand can be buffed using a lambs wool cloth.


  1. what are the dimentions

    • You can download the plans at the top of the post in PDF and Sketchup

      • Your drawing isn’t fully dimensioned, so it’s impossible to replicate.

        • Hi Jake, the drawing is to scale so all you need to do is print it with one of them right and it will be exact, you can also use the Sketchup version if you want all dimensions. it also doesn’t have to be exactly the same as mine you can play around with it depending on your laptop size and tastes.

  2. Hey! I can’t download the laptop plan. A message says “account suspended”. Please help. Thanks, Don

  3. hi warren, I was just wondering what the wood you used is as the grain looks great and what other wood you could recommend as my 3 step kids want one each

    Regards Anders

  4. Nice work, Warren.
    Would you let me use these plans to make stands to sell? My wife wants one for herself and I may get requests from other teachers.



  5. Learning sketch up sounds like fun.
    Would like to learn how.

  6. Looks awesome. Just bought my first router, going to give this a go. Just wondering what are the dimensions of the pine board you used?

    • HI Ben, i cant remember exactly but it was probably around 200mm wide, you can print the template to scale and place on boards at the hardware to check fit.

  7. Neat-I have shared the picture with family and, wouldn’t you know, every one wants one! However, I plan to utilize the X-Carve to save a little time (hands on)

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